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The Importance Of Oil & Gas Surveying

As an industrial project manager, you have a responsibility to ensure your timeline is accurate for the duration and completion of an oil or gas development project. For your investors and clients’ sake, you have to consider not only the quality of the construction, but also the location. In order to achieve the best and most profitable results possible, you need to start your project on the right foot — with proper oil and gas surveying. This allows you to set up an oil rig, natural gas pipeline or other operation in an ideal location, saving you time, money and energy.

Staying On Deadline

In short, oil and gas surveying is the process of mapping out the area all around the designated location of a development project. It provides a full visual of:

  • Which companies are drilling close by

  • Where existing pipelines are located

  • Major landmarks

  • Where all access roads are

  • Other topographical features

The primary reason why this is such an important pre-development step is because it prevents future — possibly dangerous — bumps in the road. Any project manager has an obligation to keep a project under-budget and on-time, which includes figuring out the ideal location for a project. Horizon Land Works, for example, is able to map out a complete description of the land and possible hindrances, thus preventing you from running into unexpected problems and taking the time to fix them.

Building Better Infrastructure

Running a successful industrial operation isn’t just about being on-time— it’s also about strategic planning and building enduring infrastructure. All project managers need to be able to build for efficiency and for a company’s specific needs; again, this is easier with proper oil and gas surveying. Horizon Land Works completes this very detailed process in a timely fashion, gathering all the necessary data you need to move forward with your project. Knowing more about the area of your future development is critical to building efficient, long-lasting, and environment-resistant infrastructure. This in turn means you’re able to deliver for your investors and clients more effectively.

Promoting Safe Practices

Even though oil and gas surveying should be done in the early stages of a project, it needs to be reviewed all throughout the construction and production phases. The survey team is designed to ensure the entire development includes:

  • Safe installation of strong pipelines or infrastructure

  • Development of cost-effective solutions

  • Little long-term risk to company or crew

  • Integrity from project management

Working with a company from start to finish allows the survey team to help keep a commitment to safety and quality of oil and gas development. It’s critical that a company’s wells and pipelines are sturdy enough to withstand months, or even years, of continuous use without fail. Consulting with Horizon Land Works’ survey team not only prevents future expensive repairs, but also ensures the integrity of the entire infrastructure. It’s unfortunate for a company to face potentially dangerous safety issues for the crew and environment, and this type of survey work minimizes that risk.

Get Started With Horizon Land Works

Though it may seem simple, the process of mapping out all other oil and gas operations in a designated area is necessary to protect both a company and its project. It’s a process that needs to be taken seriously in order to avoid wasting investor and client time. Horizon Land Works is dedicated to making your operation a success and that its specific requirements are met at all times. Contact us today, and learn more about how we can help you!